July 14, 2018


Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.


We give our talents, time and gifts to help those in material and spiritual need.

  • Various
  • Joyce Suggs
  • (480) 575-1801
  • Donations may be left in the narthex or in the plastic containers outside of Johnston Hall.

Our Mission Team does God's work by supporting our neighbors in need, including the Justa Center (homeless elderly), the Foodhills Foot Bank, UMOM (for families experiencing homelessness) and many others. Please ask Joyce how you can get involved!



At Black Mountain UCC, we are a lay-led church. While our pastor is our spiritual leader, church members are responsible for all of our ministries. Feel called to join an existing ministry team or start a new one? Let us know! We are a church that always says "Yes!" to ideas that further God's work on Earth and in our community.