May 2023

Beyond Judgement: Finding Connection and Compassion in a Decade as a Prison Chaplain

Last week, Tina reflected on her ten years as a prison chaplain for the Arizona Department of Corrections. Here is an excerpt from her sermon.

Last week, Richard Friese asked me how I managed it...how I spent a decade serving as a chaplain for the Arizona State Prison System. Wasn't I afraid? To be perfectly frank, I have met many church councils that were much scarier than any prison yard! While some of my colleagues attribute their prison ministries to lofty callings such as 'serving the least of these,' I claim no noble aspirations in life. I am primarily motivated by the fact that I enjoy having fun and detest boredom. For me, prison ministry was engaging and never dull. I serve a God who frequently invites us to see the absurdities in life, to throw back our heads and laugh out loud, and who often calls us to unexpected places at unexpected times.

Let's not delude ourselves into thinking we have no connection to these inmates. Please understand that they are our fathers, our brothers, our sons, our nephews, and perhaps even reflections of ourselves. If you cannot relate on that level, let me ask you this: Have you ever felt fear, alienation, or heartbreak? Have you ever known the sting of betrayal or the poison of deep-seated resentment? Have you ever felt abandoned by those who were supposed to love you? Have you ever made a mistake? Is it not with many of our own that I have grappled with the tragic dynamics of drug and alcohol addiction? Haven't we all uttered the words 'but for the grace of God go I?' Could it not be you or me or someone we love sitting in that cell?"

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Hide yourself in God, so when a man wants to find you he will have to go there first.


February 2024

SERMON: Lean on Me

Grace is ... poured out freely, available to all of us, and it is completely unwarranted, unearned, and separate from merit. Do we have to be perfect ... ?

Rev. Dr. Tina Campbell


February 2024

SERMON: Valentines and Broken Hearts

We can deal with our strong feelings or we can run. We need other people to deal with feelings. These moments require us to get over ourselves long enough to acknowledge and honor those around us as a first step.

Rev. Dr. Tina Campbell


February 2024

SERMON: Shepherds, Caregivers and Caring

Sheepherders and Shepherdesses are caregivers and first responders. They are in a state of constant vigilance, with unseen burdens and mental health risks. All need community support.

Rev. Dr. Tina Campbell